Workshops: Live and Virtual
Live, Virtual or eLearning Options
Our learning solutions have been tried and test over time and are constantly updated and revised to reflect our ever-changing environment.
Listed are our most popular programs. We first meet with you to confirm your outcomes and objects – and then work with you to recommend the best solutions based on your requirements and criteria. There are various versions and options available so please contact us for more details.
Why Aren’t You More Like Me?™
Discover The Secrets To Understanding Yourself and Others
“Ken Keis has written the definitive go-to guide for understanding what makes you-and the people around you tick. Why Aren’t You More Like Me? is a fascinating read, because its all about you! This book will change the you think about yourself and your world.”
Ken Blanchard
Author, NY Times Best-Seller The One Minute Manager
Options: 4 Hours to 2 Day Workshops (advanced sessions also available)
In recent research conducted by Talent Smart, it was established that only 2% of the population can or will realize their potential without the information that you are going to learn in this session. This includes intentionally making career and job decisions, interpersonal skills and awareness, confidence, leadership and relationship success. This learning equally applies to individuals as well as everyone they work with and their personal relationships. Prior to attending this session each participant will complete the number one-rated personality assessment the Personal Style Indicator. This session is foundational to increasing self-awareness and emotional intelligence leading to improved self-mastery.
Your Will Learn:
- Why and How to Develop the Whole Person.
- The importance of Self-Awareness and why it is core to any successful career process, development of growth – change is not possible without it.
- The Foundational Knowledge of Personal Style and it is not what most think!
- Are we Nature or Nurture?
- You will learn about your Personal Style Patterns and how they influence every choice, career decision and interaction you make with others and your environment.
- Fresh new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how past definitions have been harmful to individuals.
- A process on how to quickly identify someone else’s preferences – in just a couple minutes. This will transform every one of your relationships.
- Identify triggers that have contributed to hindering your ability to engage and build relationships with others and affected your success. You will be able to teach this to your clients.
- What motivates but also upsets others who are different than you and what to shift in your approaches to better serve, support and lead others, especially your clients.
- Document an action plan to implement this information in your life and the clients you serve.
- And finally, have fun during the sessions in a safe, supportive learning environment.
Additional Session Details
Section #1: Developing the Whole Person and the Power of Self-Awareness
- Learn a simple yet powerful model on how to measure an individual’s readiness and willingness to change.
- Discover the one factor that is required to successfully build any and all relationships.
- Explore the condition Scott Peck outlines in his book, The Road Less Travelled. It is the most difficult to treat or deal with¾both personally and with clients
- Examine why developing the “Whole Person” is critical to realizing one’s own potential and career and also helping others do the same. Learn seven factors to consider when developing self and others.
- Unearth why the power of self-awareness is foundational to working with any client with purpose, career or life directions as well as ourselves as professionals.
- Explore what Personal Style is and how it is different than personality.
- Answer to the question: Am I Nature or Nurture? And why this is important to career development.
Section #2: What Is Your Personal Style?
- Learn about independent research that has confirmed it is IMPOSSIBLE to choose a career path, build relationships, lead others, or realize your potential without this one piece of personal insight.
- Identify the unique characteristics of leadership/personal style dimensions in their purest form.
- Understand why describing individuals by their dimensions only, is discriminatory and hinders their potential.
- Recognize the power of style dimension intensities and patterns.
- Discover what self-honoring and validation of your personal style has to do with everyone’s success and confidence.
- Comprehend why your primary and secondary patterns, blends, and combinations are the most important element of your personal style.
- Know why Personal Style (personality) should NEVER be used to choose a career direction or determine career clusters.
Section #3: Successfully Reading and Understanding Others
- Understand the power and core elements of the PSI Model.
- What would it mean to become aware of the impact of their and others’ behavior is having on the environment?
- Learn new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how this new understanding is personally empowering.
- Discover what style dimension is extroverted but does not prefer people.
- Calculate your personal levels of Extroversion and Introversion and the impact your orientation is having on your environment.
- Comprehend what it means to have a Verbal or Non-Verbal Orientation.
- Determine what style dimension is Verbal, yet Introverted.
- Determine your level of Relationship and Task Orientation.
- Learn how to identify another person’s personal style in just a couple of minutes so you can intentionally build rapport with others.
Section #4: A Simple Three-Step Process to Intentionally Live, Serve and Build Relationships With Others
- Learn how to Intentionally Build Credibility with the Three-Step Process of Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting.
- Learn to identify and be attuned to clues individuals are constantly leaving us as to who they are and what their personal styles are.
- Understand how to suspend your preferences so you can fully understand and listen to others, given that we all bring personal filters and biases to our relationships.
- Develop the skill of Style-Shifting so you not only know yourself but also what others need from you to build a positive relationship.
- Understanding strengths, challenges, reactions to stress, leadership implications and team compatibility so you can make adjustments to increase your effectiveness.
- Introduce the concept of Personal and Job Style Compatibility and why this is critical to sustaining engagement for anyone at their jobs.
- Wrap up the content of the four sessions and how the content applies to our career, communications, team-building, leadership and all professional and personal relationships.
Deliberate Leadership Creating Success Through Style

“Keis and Javidi articulate a new fascinating framework for achieving greater results as a leader. All professionals who are striving to find or re-find their footing at work will benefit from the key principles and thought-provoking exercises posed in this powerful, interactive book!”
Dr. Marshal Goldsmith
Author, New York Times Bestseller, Triggers
Options: 4 Hours to 2 Day Workshops (advanced sessions available)
- What is your Leadership Style?
- Do you know the impact and implications of your leadership style on others?
- Do others want to follow you?
- Are you aware of the leadership or personal style of those who work for you or you work for?
- Do you know what motivates them and can you determine what inspires or increases their performance in just a few minutes?
All of this and much more is included in these practical but powerful Deliberate Leadership workshops. If you don’t have a system to measure your style strengths the style strengths of other there is no way to optimize your performance or the performance of others.
Did you know that in a recent study 70% of individuals feel that their supervisor is incompetent? Unless we address this issue, we will never be able to lead successfully. We will share in this workshop the top two reasons why leaders fail and that both these reasons are caused by the leader. We will also share the top three skills that leaders need to succeed.
Requires the completion of the number one-rated personality assessment the Personal Style Indicator to be completed as part of the session.
Your Will Learn:
- Why and How to Develop the Whole Person.
- The importance of Self-Awareness and why it is core to any successful career process, development of growth – change is not possible without it.
- The Foundational Knowledge of Personal Style and it is not what most think!
- Are we Nature or Nurture?
- The top two reasons why leaders fail.
- The top three skills leaders require to success.
- You will learn about your Leader Style Patterns and how they influence every choice, career decision and interaction you make with others and your environment.
- Fresh new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how past definitions have been harmful to individuals.
- A process on how to quickly identify someone else’s preferences – in just a couple minutes. This will transform every one of your relationships.
- Identify triggers that have contributed to hindering your ability to engage and build relationships with others and affected your success. You will be able to teach this to your clients.
- What motivates but also upsets others who are different than you and what to shift in your approaches to better serve, support and lead others, especially your clients.
- Document an action plan to implement this information in your life and the clients you serve.
- And finally, have fun during the sessions in a safe, supportive learning environment.
Additional Session Details
Session #1: Developing the Whole Person and the Power of Self-Awareness
- Learn a simple yet powerful model on how to measure an individual’s readiness and willingness to change.
- Discover the one factor that is required to successfully build any and all relationships.
- Explore the condition Scott Peck outlines in his book, The Road Less Travelled. It is the most difficult to treat or deal with¾both personally and with clients
- Examine why developing the “Whole Person” is critical to realizing one’s own potential and career and also helping others do the same. Learn seven factors to consider when developing self and others.
- Unearth why the power of self-awareness is foundational to working with any client with purpose, career or life directions as well as ourselves as professionals.
- Explore what Personal/Leadership Style is and how it is different than personality.
- Answer to the question: Am I Nature or Nurture? And why this is important to career development.
Session #2: What Is Your Leadership Style?
- Learn about independent research that has confirmed it is IMPOSSIBLE to choose a career path, build relationships, lead others, or realize your potential without this one piece of personal insight.
- Identify the unique characteristics of leadership/personal style dimensions in their purest form.
- Understand why describing individuals by their dimensions only, is discriminatory and hinders their potential.
- Recognize the power of style dimension intensities and patterns.
- Discover what self-honoring and validation of your personal style has to do with everyone’s success and confidence.
- Comprehend why your primary and secondary patterns, blends, and combinations are the most important element of your personal style.
- Know why Personal Style (personality) should NEVER be used to choose a career direction or determine a career for others.
Session #3: Successfully Reading and Understanding Others
- Understand the power and core elements of the PSI Model.
- What would it mean to become aware of the impact of their and others’ behavior is having on the environment?
- Learn new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how this new understanding is personally empowering.
- Discover what style dimension is extroverted but does not prefer people.
- Calculate your personal levels of Extroversion and Introversion and the impact your orientation is having on your environment.
- Comprehend what it means to have a Verbal or Non-Verbal Orientation.
- Determine what style dimension is Verbal, yet Introverted.
- Determine your level of Relationship and Task Orientation.
- Learn how to identify another person’s personal style in just a couple of minutes so you can intentionally build rapport with others.
Session #4:
A Simple Three-Step Process to Intentionally Lead, Serve and Build Relationships With Others
- Learn how to Intentionally Build Credibility with the Three-Step Process of Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting.
- Learn to identify and be attuned to clues individuals are constantly leaving us as to who they are and what their personal styles are.
- Understand how to suspend your preferences so you can fully understand and listen to others, given that we all bring personal filters and biases to our relationships.
- Develop the skill of Style-Shifting so you not only know yourself but also what others need from you to build a positive relationship.
- Understanding strengths, challenges, reactions to stress, leadership implications and team compatibility so you can make adjustments to increase your effectiveness.
- Introduce the concept of Personal and Job Style Compatibility and why this is critical to sustaining engagement for anyone at their jobs.
- Wrap up the content of the four sessions and how the content applies to our career, communications, team-building, leadership and all professional and personal relationships.
What Do You Really Value? Learn What Motivates Self and Others!
Options: 90 Minutes to 3 Hours
Everything in life centers on measurement: money, travel, time—the list is endless. Yet, in our experience, most people do not truly understand what their core values might be and how to live them out. Confusion, lack of congruence in our operational values hinders our abilities to make timely decisions. We will share breakthrough research on why values clarification is foundational to everyone’s success. This session is best at 2 hours or more and requires the Values Preference Indicator assessment to be completed by each participant prior to virtual or live sessions. This workshop has consistently been rated as one of the top sessions in any conference it has presented at. What Do You Really Value? is participant-driven, so be ready to learn, have fun, and contribute 100%!
Your Will Learn:
- Learn about the latest research on why and how values clarification helps reduce stress, increases objectiveness and improves your performance.
- Confirm and identify your most important behavioural values (internal motivators).
- Determine to what degree you are living your life aligned with your most important values.
- Outline an action plan which is congruent with the values which are most important to you.
Dying to Live:
Breakthrough Health, Wellness and Stress Reduction Practices
Options: 2 Hour Summary to 6 Hour In-Depth Session
Did you know that over 90% of all illnesses are lifestyle-related and over 50% of the global workforce is highly stressed? Who cares if you love your career and life if you are not well and suffering from stress-related illnesses! But there is good news – we all can do something about it. In this highly interactive session, Dr. Keis (drawing from his research and diploma in nutrition and genetics) will share leading edge research on wellness improvements and stress reduction.
Every participant will complete CRG’s proprietary assessment the Stress Indicator and Health Planner. This session will help you identify and benchmark your stress and your wellness levels in 5 specific areas – Distress, Interpersonal Stress, Wellness (nutrition & lifestyle) Stress, Time Stress & Occupational Stress – so you can personally document your next steps to improve your overall health wellness.
Your Will Learn:
- Learn about the latest research on what stress is costing all of us in lost productivity and quality of life.
- Did you know 90-95% of illness if lifestyle and environmentally related meaning completely preventable.
- Benchmark your personal stress and wellness levels in 5 categories with the pre-session assessment the Stress Indicator and Health Planner.
- During the session immediately identify items to decrease your stress and increase your wellness levels
Transforming Leadership
Foundational Skills Required by EVERY Leader to Succeed in the 21st Century
“CRG’s Transforming Leadership offers not only the direction and road map for the leadership and development journey, this articulate book gives us the supplies and nourishment to thrive along the way.”
Jim Kouzes
Co-author, NY Times Best-Seller, The Leadership Challenge
Options: 2 Hour Summary to 2 Day Intensive
Research has revealed that 70% of individuals feel that their supervisor or leader is incompetent? Leadership Skills (or lack of) create work cultures, engagement levels, productivity and levels of success. We will take you through specific development models, that if you implement them ─ it will transform your professional and leadership effectiveness and positively impact your organization. Prior to this session each participant will complete the Leadership Skills Inventory-Self or the LSI-360º to benchmark their understanding and agreement with core Leadership Principles and rate themselves on 60 Leadership Skills.
Our Transforming Leadership book is the frame-work for this workshop.
Your Will Learn:
- Learn a simple yet powerful model on how to measure an individual’s readiness and willingness to change.
- Discover the one factor that is required to successfully lead self and others.
- We will share research on the two main reasons why leaders fail and the three foundational conditions for leadership success.
- Discuss with your peers the 12 Foundational Principles of Transforming Leadership.
- Review your results from CRG’s Leadership Skills Inventory-Self© or LSI-360º by benchmarking your leadership skill level in five categories and 60 skills (Self-Management, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Coaching and Problem Management, Team and Consulting Skills, Versatility and OD Skills). Learn how each skill set contributes to your leadership effectiveness.
“We want to thank you, CRG, for the recent leadership development session held with my management team. The session accomplished my primary objectives in a very professional and non-threatening fashion. I highly recommend your process for all organizations, particularly ones that are trying to move to a more effective team approach. “
Fred Townley-McKay
CEO, Southwest Credit Union Ltd.
The Quest for Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!
“We live in a purpose-confused culture. We all long for purpose but have no idea where to find it. Ken’s new book (and workshops) are an inspiring journey of answering life’s greatest question – why am I here?”
Andy Steiger
Best Selling Author, Thinking? Answering Life’s Five Biggest Questions
Options: 90 Minute Summary to 1 Day Workshop
According to Gallup’s recent 142-country study, less than 13% of the global workforce is engaged at work! Why? Simply put, people lack a sense of purpose. But there is an answer to this problem by discovering our purpose and passions which includes our interests, gifts and natural talents. This is not only incredibly enriching and personally meaningful, but it demonstratively increases our fulfillment and success. The Quest for Purpose session is an interactive process that will teach individuals how to discover and live their life “On Purpose” and assist them to help others do the same. Learn about the character traits and mindset of successful individuals – plus you will be given a specific process to confirm your purpose and passions. This is a dynamic, high-energy sessions are based on our book, The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!
You Will Learn:
- Learn about the global status on employee engagement but also the percentage of individuals who believe they are living On Purpose!
- How purpose and clarity have been proven to be foundational to high performance and that engagement is nearly impossible without it.
- Discover that your life is constantly leaving you clues about your passions and purpose but are we paying attention.
- Learn about core mindsets and character traits required to live On Purpose!
- Be presented The Quest roadmap and system to assist and individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance and purpose.
Leave with an action plan.
Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?™
Options: 4 Hours to 2 Day Workshops
Successful selling is all about relationships. Do you know the impact that your selling style is having on your current or potential clients? Rapport building is about being intentional but until you know and understand your selling style and can also read and understand your client’s buying style you will limit your effectiveness and success.
Prior to this session participants will complete the Sales Style Indicator. In this session will take you through the impact that your selling style is having with your results.
Rapport and credibility is everything – especially in sales and customer service – so we will show you how you can avoid destroying it plus teach you where this comes from – and how you can intentional build trust with others.
This workshop was rated the number one most effective training program for a Fortune 50 company which implemented this sales development process into over 40 countries.
Our Why Aren’t You More Like Me? book is an implementation support.
You Will Learn:
- About a case study where this content was implemented and increased sales results by 30% in less than 60 days.
- The importance of Self-Awareness and why it is core to any successful sales process, development of growth – change is not possible without it.
- The Foundational Knowledge of your Selling Style and it is not what most think!
- You will learn about your Sales Style Patterns and how they influence every choice and interaction you make with others and your environment.
- Fresh new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how past definitions have been harmful to individuals.
- A process on how to quickly identify a client’s buying style preferences – in just a couple minutes. This will transform every one of your relationships.
- What motivates but also upsets your clients (or team members) who are different than you and what to shift in your approaches to better serve, support, sell and lead others, especially your clients.
- Document an action plan to implement this information in your selling and customer service process.
- And finally, have fun during the sessions in a safe, supportive learning environment.
Additional Session Details
Session #1: Developing the Whole Person and the Power of Self-Awareness
- Learn a simple yet powerful model on how to measure an individual’s readiness and willingness to change.
- Discover the one factor that is required to successfully build any and all client relationships.
- Examine why developing the “Whole Person” is critical to realizing one’s own potential and how this is affecting your sales success. Learn seven factors to consider when developing self and others.
- Unearth why the power of self-awareness is foundational to working with any client, team members as well as ourselves as sales and customer service professionals.
- Explore what Sales Style is and how it is different than personality.
- Answer to the question: Am I Nature or Nurture? And why this is important to career development.
Session #2: What Is Your Selling Style?
- Learn about independent research that has confirmed it is IMPOSSIBLE to build relationships, lead others, or realize your potential without this one piece of personal insight.
- Identify the unique characteristics of each selling style dimension in their purest form.
- Understand why describing individuals by their dimensions only, is discriminatory and hinders their potential.
- Recognize the power of style dimension intensities and patterns.
- Discover what self-honoring and validation of your selling style has to do with everyone’s success and confidence.
- Comprehend why your primary and secondary selling style patterns, blends, and combinations are the most important element of your selling style.
Session #3: Successfully Reading and Understanding Others
- Understand the power and core elements of the PSI Model.
- What would it mean to become aware of the impact of yours’ and others’ behavior is having in the environment?
- Learn new definitions of Extroversion and Introversion and how this new understanding is empowering in all sales and customer service roles
- Discover what style dimension is extroverted but does not prefer people.
- Calculate your personal levels of Extroversion and Introversion and the impact your orientation is having on your environment.
- Comprehend what it means to have a Verbal or Non-Verbal Orientation.
- Determine what style dimension is Verbal, yet Introverted.
- Determine your level of Relationship and Task Orientation.
- Learn how to identify client and prospect’s buying style in just a couple of minutes so you can intentionally build rapport with others.
Session #4: A Simple Three-Step Process to Intentionally Build Relationships and Rapport With Others
- Learn how to Intentionally Build Credibility with the Three-Step Process of Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting.
- Learn to identify and be attuned to clues your client’s and prospects are constantly leaving us as to who they are and what their personal styles are.
- Understand how to suspend your preferences so you can fully understand and listen to others, given that we all bring personal filters and biases to our relationships.
- Develop the skill of Style-Shifting so you not only know yourself but also what others need from you to build a positive relationship with clients.
- Understanding strengths, challenges, reactions to stress, leadership implications and team compatibility so you can make adjustments to increase your effectiveness.
Wrap up the content of the four sessions and how the content applies to your selling steps, customer service clients and your professional development success.
Additional Workshop Content & Titles
Why Don’t You Teach The Way That I Learn?™
The debate is significant if there are really learning styles or not. However, after 40 years of working in the field with students there is no question in our experience, that there is a strong correlation between instructional and learning styles. One of the authors of the program almost failed high school, but has now authored over 4 million words of content. The school system did not have a teaching style that served him.
Hiring The Right Person – Every Time?™
An HR process and strategy to increase engagement, job-fit and performance!
Living with Confidence
Our confidence is built on our self-worth levels but how to we build and grow it? Did you know there is situational self-worth? First you identify your levels of self-worth in 5 categories then we outline the 12-step program to build and develop your confidence for the rest of your life.