Self-Worth Inventory
You are valuable and valued.
Confidence is an important character trait which through specific strategies and choice can be improved. The SWI is uniquely designed to confirm what CRG calls Situational Self-Worth. This means in some areas of your life you will feel confident in others not as much. This a valuable process so individuals can focus on areas which are most important to them.
Download/view Sample SWI Report

Self-Worth Inventory (SWI)
The Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) is a simple yet powerful process to help measure your levels of self-worth in specific areas of your life. This assessment does not create self-worth; it confirms what is already true.
We help participant’s identify and confirm their level of Self-Worth in 5 different areas and we also provide a simple yet powerful roadmap and recommendations on how to improve your self-worth levels.
We all have various levels of self-worth. In the past, discussion about a person’s self-worth was taboo or certainly not encouraged.
This tool can assist you to do the following:
- Confirm your level of self-worth in 5 different areas
- Understand the difference between self-concept and self-esteem
- Educate one’s self about their self-worth
- Provide a roadmap and specific steps to improve your self-worth
- Stop the power of lies within our thinking
- Provide hope and encouragement
- Give direction to those who feel lost and alone
- Immediately improve an individual’s confidence
Every single person on this planet is here for and with a purpose. You are uniquely designed to provide contributions to your community and others.
Don’t let anyone-especially yourself-tell you otherwise!
Special Note:
- Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
- Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
- Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566
Use to:
- Enrich Your Quality of Life
- Increase Your Self-Confidence
- Improve Your Overall Success
- Take Responsibility for Your Life
- Ensure You Are Living On Purpose
- Forgive Yourself and Others
Who can benefit:
- Employers Working With Staff Members
- High School Counsellors Working with Students
- Families – Parents Working With Their Children
- Professional Counsellors Working With Clients
- Youth – Siblings, Friends at School
- Workplaces
- Any Individual or Team Who Desires to Improve Their Confident

Available in the following languages:


Note: If you don’t see the language you need please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.
Support resources
SWI Trainer’s Guidelines
The Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) is a powerful tool when used effectively. Self-Worth, however, can be a sensitive area.
Use CRG’s expertise in presenting the Self- Worth assessment to create a safe environment for your participants and to increase the effectiveness of your training.
The Trainer’s Guidelines will help you
- Explain how Powerful Self-Worth is for Success in all Areas of Life;
- Outline an Action Plan Template for Your Clients; and
- Develop a compelling 2 to 6 hour Training on the online report.
Self-worth is a powerful force that can either make or break us.
Give your clients the information they need to succeed.
CRG Models Master Handouts
It takes time and money to create handouts for a presentation. Why not use the models CRG has already created? CRG Models is a downloadable file of PDFs of all the handouts needed to present and use with CRG’s assessments.
Once you have purchased these, you can print the full-color handouts anytime you need them, as many copies as you like.
Includes the following.
- Readiness and Willingness to Change
- Credibility
- What is Personal Style?
- Personal Style Model
- Business Development Model
- And Much More!
Set yourself up for success.
Use CRG’s professional handouts at your next presentation!
Why Aren’t You More Like Me? -Book
Without this book, you have only scraped the surface of understanding personal style. Would you like to know more about style and how you can use it to improve your life, relations and interactions with others? The Third Edition of the book is authored by Ken Keis. Learn more about interacting with others and how style affects every area of your life. Retail $30.00.
Here’s What You Will Get and Learn:
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book.
- You will receive your own personalized report on your specific style pattern(s) and how to personally increase your effectiveness with self and others—View a Sample Report
- Learn about the one factor that without it you will forever be hindered in your ability to build lasting relationships.
- That developing your weaknesses is a myth and highly over rated. You will learn to play and design a life that plays to your strengths and natural predisposition.
- Learn how to lead and inspire others who are different than you.
- Learn how to match your personal style to the nature of the work and roles so that you will have a fulfilling work life.
- Learn to avoid this one condition that without it you will not be able to sustain your engagement or personal energy.
- Learn what our parents told us was wrong with us is actually right with us.
- Learn about a holistic development model and strategies to advance and improve all the areas of your life.
- Learn that what we were all taught about introversion and extroversion is flawed and embrace a more powerful explanation of why we prefer what we prefer.
- Be able to intentionally make decisions in all areas of your life with confidence—every time.
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book!
The Quest For Purpose
A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!
Gallup research confirmed that nearly 90% of employees are indifferent or actively disengaged at work. Less than 10% of the population believes that they are living a fulfilling life On Purpose! These are disturbing statistics. That means there is a 9 out of 10 chance that you are one of these unfulfilled individuals—would you like to change that? The Quest For Purpose is a roadmap for assisting individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance, and purpose.
Some of what you will gain and learn:
- Why meaning comes before purpose
- The mindset required to succeed
- On Purpose character traits
- What you really value
- How to make the right decisions in your life—every time
- What excites and interests you
- Your Master Life Purpose
- Your core passions
- A clear vision in all areas of your life
- An action plan
- How to live your life On Purpose