Learning Style Indicator
Discover how you and others learn best by completing the Learning Style Indicator. This 12-page assessment helps you and your clients understand your natural learning preferences, your learning style pattern(s), and your most effective learning strategies.
For years, some students were wrongly accused of being poor learners when, in fact, they were being taught by instructors who didn’t teach the way those students were best able to learn. Every single learner—from elementary/middle school students, to adults retraining for a new profession—should understand his or her preferred learning style. Then, as learners they can intentionally create a learning environment that plays to their strengths and preferences.
Download/view Sample LSI Report

Learning Style Indicator (LSI)
Not only should every learner complete this assessment, every instructor, educator, teacher, parent, speaker, facilitator, coach, leader, and supervisor should understand the needs and wants of each of the 21 learning style patterns.
Note: The CRG results and model are proprietary, and are not the same as other models such as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) or Emotional Intelligence (EI).
Learning is no longer just about individuals graduating from high school or post-secondary institutions, then moving on to a career. Change has never been more continuous, requiring each of us, if we want to add value to the marketplace, to keep expanding our knowledge, skills, and competencies. The average person in the 21st century will have 5 to 10 careers, including jobs that have not even been invented yet.
This means that each of us—no matter what our age or background—must commit to life-long learning.
This learning assessment can assist you to do the following:
- Identify how you and others learn best!
- Understand your natural learning preferences.
- Discover your learning style pattern(s).
- Determine your most effective learning strategies.
- Intentionally create a learning environment that plays to your strengths and preferences.
- Increase your productivity and success by sharing your learning style with your instructor.
- Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in learning environments.
Special Note:
- Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
- Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
- Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566
Use to:
- Learn How You Learn
- Understand the Four Different Learning Styles
- Confirm Your Specific Learning Style Pattern(s)
- Determine the Best Learning Environments and Instructors for You
Who can benefit:
- Any Student, Age 14 and up
- Employees
- Instructors
- Seminar Participants
- Clients
- Family Members

Available in the following language:

Note: If you don’t see the language you need please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.
Support resources
CRG Models Master Handouts
It takes time and money to create handouts for a presentation. Why not use the models CRG has already created? This is a downloadable file of PDFs of all the handouts needed to present the any of CRG’s style assessments.
Once you have purchased these, you can print the full-color handouts anytime you need them, as many copies as you like.
Includes the following.
- Readiness and Willingness to Change
- Credibility
- What is Personal Style?
- Personal Style Model
- Business Development Model
- And Much More!
Set yourself up for success.
Use CRG’s professional handouts at your next presentation!
Why Aren’t You More Like Me? -Book
Without this book, you have only scraped the surface of understanding personal style. Would you like to know more about style and how you can use it to improve your life, relations and interactions with others? The Third Edition of this book is authored by Ken Keis. Learn more about interacting with others and how style affects every area of your life. Retail $30.00.
Here’s What You Will Get and Learn:
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book.
- You will receive your own personalized report on your specific style pattern(s) and how to personally increase your effectiveness with self and others—View a Sample Report
- Learn about the one factor that without it you will forever be hindered in your ability to build lasting relationships.
- That developing your weaknesses is a myth and highly over rated. You will learn to play and design a life that plays to your strengths and natural predisposition.
- Learn how to lead and inspire others who are different than you.
- Learn how to match your personal style to the nature of the work and roles so that you will have a fulfilling work life.
- Learn to avoid this one condition that without it you will not be able to sustain your engagement or personal energy.
- Learn what our parents told us was wrong with us is actually right with us.
- Learn about a holistic development model and strategies to advance and improve all the areas of your life.
- Learn that what we were all taught about introversion and extroversion is flawed and embrace a more powerful explanation of why we prefer what we prefer.
- Be able to intentionally make decisions in all areas of your life with confidence—every time.
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book!
LSI Trainer’s Guidelines
Tools that assess learning style are hard to find—until now. Help your clients assess and increase their learning success
This guide gives you the framework for presenting and working through the online report with your clients. CRG has presented this assessment many times and is now offering you their professional insights and training tips. These Guidelines provide you with the following.
- Objectives for Your Presentation
- Presentation Options
- Background Information
- Discussion of the Different Learning Styles
- Group Exercises
This is the essential tool for presenting and using this learning assessment!