Whereas mentoring is reactive with the onus on the person being mentored to initiate contact, coaching is proactive, based on developmental needs, objectives for improvement and timelines for accomplishment.
What was once thought of as an extra – coaching is now viewed as foundational to an individual’s or organizational success. Today’s busy executives, leaders and managers rarely schedule time for themselves. Yet private focused time can provide the perspective people need to increase personal, professional and corporate effectiveness. A recent study determined that executive coaching had an average payback of six-to-one. This ROI is just based on short-term gains; the ROI multiples overtime are significant.
CRG awarded one of the Top Ten Coaching Programs
Globally by Lead 500 Awards!

The purpose of coaching can be as varied as the individuals who engage the process. We have started with an individual focusing on executive coaching objectives and soon transition to life coaching. Our goal is always to serve the client to improve their condition in our areas of expertise:
- Personal & Life Coaching or
- Executive & Leadership Coaching
- Christian Coaching
Personal & Life Coaching:
Whether you are a corporate executive, business owner, professional or an individual who wants more out of life, you’ve probably thought about coaching services. If you are facing challenges at work or home or want to move up to a higher level of success or happiness that is why we are here to serve. First, you are not alone in this as we all have times where we seek feedback from others.
In fact, Dr. Keis, CEO & President of CRG credits his coach Mike, back in 1989 for bringing clarity to his life – which has now influenced his life for the past three decades.
There is no judgement here – if you are feeling stuck, not knowing what you want, uncertain about the future, or you are not living in alignment with your values, or unclear about your purpose in life that’s why we are here to support and serve others on their journey of life. Or maybe you are unsatisfied with your relationships but don’t know how to make lasting changes we can assist there as well.
Personal Coaching Level One –
$12,500 USD
- A seven-month engagement
- CRG assessments Personal Style Indicator & Values Preference Indicator
- Confirmation of objectives
- Metrics for success
- One-hour proprietary coach process call each month
- Deadlines, timelines, and accountabilities
- Mandatory regular phone calls
- Unlimited email
- Unlimited additional phone calls
All-In Transformational Coaching
$20,000 USD
All the items in Personal Coaching Level One plus:
- A 10-month engagement
- CRG’s 3 Day Professional Mastery & Assessments Certification with set of CRG assessments included. $2000 value (travel & accommodation costs responsibility of participant)
- CRG eCourses: Why Aren’t You More Like Me? and What Do Really Value? included
- Mandatory monthly coaching session
- Mandatory regular phone calls
- Personal meetings as desired and we deem appropriate*. (Coaching client to travel to CRG location at their expense.)
These coaching processes are an accelerated development for you.
Obviously, we are taking on very few people so it is first come first serve, no issues are outside of our confidential discussions. With over 10,000 hours of coaching, mentoring and consulting experience, we don’t restrict your objective list.
We will be in contact regularly.
The greatest investment you’ll make here is your commitment to respond to someone who is driving your progress, and to incorporate the needed actions into your life.
The financial investment for Level One is $12,500. That amount is payable in full on commencement.
The All In Transformational Coaching package is $20,000 or you can pay $10,000 on commencement and $10,500 in 90 days.
Note: If the second payment is not made the program will stop with no refunds for any reason.
There are no refunds of any payments in this program for any reason unless we cancel your participation because we feel you do not want to be helped or by not keeping your commitments. In which case we will provide a pro rata refund.
You may start at any time, however there are no “breaks” or “freezes.” The program is ongoing for the seven months for Level One or 10 months for the All In Transformation package.
Executive & Leadership Coaching:
Many leaders, managers and executives, attempting to navigate the waters of their career or serving others in leadership don’t have the skills to go to the next level. Research has confirmed many leaders or executives are not self-aware of their impact or how others “really” view or experience them.
Are you responsible for selecting coaches for others like high-potentials or talent development we help others advance their already successful career?
CRG is well-known as one of the most effective and innovative executive coaching firms in the country. Our passion and energy are infectious, motivating and encouraging. CRG has a no-nonsense style in which weadvise, challenge, provoke, guide and push clients to realize their potential
Christian Coaching:
Some individuals or professionals appreciate a faith-based approach or underpinning to the coaching process other for personal or executive coaching. That is possible through CRG as we can align a link minded coach with your faith values.