Leadership Skills Inventory -360°
One of the best ways to grow as a leader is to receive a 360º evaluation about your performance and productivity in your capacity as leader. Research shows that, contrary to popular belief, asking for feedback from others in the organization is strongly correlated to a leader’s overall effectiveness. The LSI-360º comes with a self assessment for the leader and confidential feedback for up to 10 others.
Note: If you are conducting this assessment and process for a leadership team please check with CRG about our volume discounts.
Download/view Sample lSI – 360º Report

Leadership Skills Inventory 360º (LSI-360º)
Using 360 leadership assessments is one of the best ways to develop leadership within your organization.
You find yourself in a leadership position and, as any good leader, you want to grow and improve and you want your organization to grow and be successful. You understand that if you, as a leader, don’t keep growing then your organization won’t keep growing. So, you’ve committed to developing yourself and/or other leaders in the hopes that it will benefit your company.
The LSI 360º can assist you to do the following:
- Have the ability to see where you are and where you are going!
- Motivate you to make changes and tackle challenges.
- Benchmark key skills levels for anyone in a leadership or supervisory role.
- Confirm perceptions of your leadership skills levels as others see you.
- Facilitate leadership-team development and responsibility allocation, based on leadership skills levels
- Establish framework and focus points for Executive and Leadership coaching
- Outline steps for a personal development strategy or plan
- Identify required skills for success in any leadership role or responsibility
Special Note:
- Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
- Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
- Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566
Use to:
- Establish agreement to the 12 Leadership Principles.
- Assess competency in each of the 5 leadership sections.
- Evaluate proficiency in the 60 Transforming Leadership Skills.
- Confirm perceptions of leadership skills as others experience the leader.
- Determine the required professional development.
- Identify required skills for success in any leadership role
Who can benefit:
- All Leaders/Managers/Supervisors
- Every Organization
- Individuals Learning to Take a Leadership Role

Available in the following language:

Note: If you don’t see the language you need please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.
Support resources
Transforming Leadership PowerPoint
Appeal to the visual learners in your group with a professional PowerPoint. CRG created the slides to accompany their presentations.on the LSI-S and the LSI-360. Now we are offering you our PowerPoint presentations to use in your seminar or training.
You can customize the presentation for your group by using as many or as few of the slides as you like–and even adding some of your own. The PowerPoint comes as a downloadable file in both 3×4 and 9×16 formats.
Use the TL PowerPoint as the finishing touch to create visually stimulating and professional training.
CRG Models Master Handouts
It takes time and money to create handouts for a presentation. Why not use the models CRG has already created? CRG Models is a downloadable file of PDFs of the handouts used to support the use of CRG’s assessments.
Once you have purchased these, you can print the full-color handouts anytime you need them, as many copies as you like.
Includes the following.
- Readiness and Willingness to Change
- Credibility
- What is Personal Style?
- Personal Style Model
- Business Development Model
- And Much More!
Set yourself up for success.
Use CRG’s professional handouts at your next presentation!
Transforming Leadership – Book
Transforming Leadership: Equipping Yourself and Coaching Others to Build the Leadership Organization
The need for competent leaders and leadership has never been greater!
If you want to learn what it REALLY takes to be a successful leader, our Transforming Leadership book is for you! In his 300 page, no-fluff book, Dr. Terry Anderson will coach you to develop the critical skills needed to become an effective leader.
The book and development model is used around the world in numerous university leadership and communication courses. In addition, leadership centers from Brussels to Banff use the Transforming Leadership book as an anchor point to their curricula and leadership retreat formats.
This is the supportive companion piece to complete the Leadership Skills Inventory–Self or LSI-360°
Transforming Leadership will provide you with
- An Opportunity and Challenge to Self-Examine;
- A Renewed Sense of Purpose;
- Clarity of Your Foundational Beliefs; and
- A Broad Spectrum of Leadership Knowledge and Skills.
Transforming leaders don’t happen by accident.
Start your journey to transforming leadership today.