Personal Style Indicator
Research has confirmed that your (our) Self-Awareness is the secret ingredient (meta-skill) for success in the 21st century. People who understand who they are—and how they’re seen—make smarter choices, build positive relationships, enjoy more successful careers, feel more fulfilled and live better lives.
Download/view Sample PSI Report

Personal Style Indicator (PSI)
The # 1 Personality (Personal Style) Assessment for over 40 years as rated by participants!
The Personal Style Indicator provides you (and others) with self-awareness that’s positive and motivates people to take action to improve relationships – of personal, professional and with yourself.
The PSI comes with 20+ page in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of difficulty. The PSI is focused on helping others develop so you can proactively take your performance to the next level. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.
The PSI can assist you to do the following:
- Discover your natural predisposition to time, tasks, people, and situations!
- Identify your basic personal style, which is the way you prefer to respond to time, people, tasks, and situations.
- Gain self-understanding and self-acceptance and greater appreciation and acceptance of others.
- Recognize the consequences and effect of your interpersonal style and the effect your personal style has on the way you relate to others.
- Discover your typical reactions to stress and pressure and learn how to compensate for your weaknesses.
- Better understand the style tendencies of others and learn to interact with them more effectively, to promote harmony and increase your credibility.
- Increase your productivity and success by sharing a common language when talking with others about the style behaviors that are preferred at home or on a particular job.
- Determine your preferred work style and work environment to more intentionally select the best job, role, and/or career for you
- Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in relation to tasks and in your interactions with others
- Facilitate team development through the careful assessment of team-member strengths.
Special Note:
- Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
- Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
- Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566
Use to:
- Increase Emotional Intelligence
- Foster Self-Awareness of Self and Others
- Improve Performance & Communications
- Decrease Conflict
- Clarify Best Roles & Work Responsibilities
- Build Positive Teams & Engagement
- Equip Leaders
- Help Individuals Realize Their Full Potential
Who can benefit:
- All Employees & Team Members
- Leaders/Managers
- Students (15 years and older)
- Families
- Potential Employees
- Partners: Business and Personal

Available in the following languages
Note: If you don’t see the language you need please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.
Take Your Knowledge of CRG’s Personal Style Indicator to The Next Level.
Full PSI eCourse and PSI Trainer’s eCourse Available.
Support resources
PSI PowerPoint
Appeal to the visual learners in your group with a professional PowerPoint presentation.
This slide deck is created specifically to be used with the online report.
With over 200 slides you can customize the presentation for your group by using as many or as few of the slides as you like—and even adding some of your own. The PowerPoint comes as a downloadable file in both 3×4 and 9×16 formats.
Use the PowerPoint as the finishing touch in creating a visually stimulating and professional training.
CRG Models Master Handouts
It takes time and money to create handouts for a presentation. Why not use the models CRG has already created? This is a downloadable file of PDFs of all the handouts needed to present any of the CRG’s style assessments.
Once you have purchased these, you can print the full-color handouts anytime you need them, as many copies as you like.
Includes the following.
- Readiness and Willingness to Change
- Credibility
- What is Personal Style?
- Personal Style Model
- Business Development Model
- And Much More!
Set yourself up for success.
Use CRG’s professional handouts at your next presentation!
Workbook – Building Relationships with Style
Simplify presentations on the PSI by using this 64-page workbook as your base. It is the perfect companion piece for your presentations.
This workbook covers the building blocks of personal style and the online report, including:
- Readiness and Willingness to Change
- Defining Credibility and its Importance
- Understanding Personal Style
- Applying what You’ve Learned
- Creating an Action Plan
Have CRG customize this workbook for you—specifically for your clients or organization. Using this workbook as a template, we will insert, change, revise, or co-create curricula that reflect your models, culture, and content.
Note: The PowerPoint fully supports this workbook. Give your clients a valuable workbook that they can use to continue to learn and grow after they leave your seminar.
Why Aren’t You More Like Me? -Book
Without this book, you have only scraped the surface of understanding personal style. Would you like to know more about style and how you can use it to improve your life, relations and interactions with others? The Third Edition of the book, is authored by Dr. Ken Keis. Learn more about interacting with others and how style affects every area of your life.
Here’s What You Will Get and Learn:
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book.
- You will receive your own personalized report on your specific style pattern(s) and how to personally increase your effectiveness with self and others—View a Sample Report
- Learn about the one factor that without it you will forever be hindered in your ability to build lasting relationships.
- That developing your weaknesses is a myth and highly overrated. You will learn to play and design a life that plays to your strengths and natural predisposition.
- Learn how to lead and inspire others who are different than you.
- Learn how to match your personal style to the nature of the work and roles so that you will have a fulfilling work life.
- Learn to avoid this one condition that without it you will not be able to sustain your engagement or personal energy.
- Learn what our parents told us was wrong with us is actually right with us.
- Learn about a holistic development model and strategies to advance and improve all the areas of your life.
- Learn that what we were all taught about introversion and extroversion is flawed and embrace a more powerful explanation of why we prefer what we prefer.
- Be able to intentionally make decisions in all areas of your life with confidence—every time.
Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level
Leading and Selling With Style Level II
Mastering CRG’s three step system of Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting takes time and intentionality, but also the willingness and readiness to do so. However, they are foundational to you building your credibility as a team member, leader, and sales professional.
Section 1: Example Case Study: Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting.
Part A – Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting Applications in Your Role
Part B – Increasing Credibility/Trust with Others
Part C – How you Show up at Work
Part D – Leading with Style
Part E – Special Partner Activity
Leading, Selling, and Coaching With Style Level III (contains Level II)
Mastering CRG’s three step system of Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting takes time and intentionality, but also the willingness and readiness to do so. However, they are foundational to you building your credibility as a team member, leader, and sales professional.
Section 1: Example Case Study: Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting.
Part A – Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting Applications in Your Role
Part B – Increasing Credibility/Trust with Others
Part C – How you Show up at Work
Part D – Leading with Style
Part E – Special Partner Activity
Section 2: Group and Team Case Study Exercise
Part A – Needs and Values of each Team Member
Part B – Coaching Jack as the Leader
Part C – Coaching Team Members
Part D – Case Study Debrief – Private
PSI Trainer’s Guidelines
We help you the trainer/facilitator with step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a workshop with our assessment.
As a trainer, you will find the Guidelines the essential tool for presenting and using the assessment. Presentation options range from basic one on one coaching to a full day workshop.
Pair the these with the PowerPoint and Models for a full, professional presentation.
PSI/JSI Professional’s Guide
This will provide you with the background knowledge to effectively use these assessments to build a strong company by hiring the right people for the right positions. This includes background details and information on the creation of the tools and their intended application.
Build a new hiring process that will save you time and money. Use the CRG style tools with the Manager’s JSI as the base for your hiring process and witness the difference for yourself.
This 64-page guide includes background details and information on the creation of the tools and their intended applications.
The PSI difference
Many professionals ask CRG the question, how is your Indicator different from other (type) assessments in the marketplace? And after 40 years of history, why do 80% of professionals switch to the CRG assessment after they learn and acknowledge these differences? This is a grid to help you understand just some of the numerous and significant differences.
The PSI is built on its own unique model, proprietary theory and design based on research valid in the application of normal psychology. Thousands of participants over decades provided field-tested feedback points of design confirmation and improvement. The result is a new and fresh methodology about the way Personal Style is described and experienced by the participant. Therefore, our assessment cannot be compared to others in the marketplace.
Why Top Career Development Professional Richard Knowdell Prefers the Personal Style Indicator Over All Other Personality Tools!
Compare CRG’s tools to the MBTI
Compare CRG’s assessment to DiSC
Dr. Ken Keis and Dr. Terry Anderson Discuss the Origins of the CRG Personality Style Assessments
The key benefits to using the CRG system
Discover how you respond to time, people, tasks, and situations. Then learn how to use this new insight to do more with team members, associates, peers and even family members.
Gain the confidence that comes with understanding “who you really are” and know how people react to your style so that you can enhance work production or correct miscommunication before it becomes an endemic problem.
Instantly compensate for stress and pressure in any situation. Effortlessly deal with “difficult” individuals so that the goals you are targeting are not derailed by them.
Learn how to interact with anyone more effectively, promote harmony and increase your credibility within your team, friends and family members.
Increase your productivity and success by communicating your needs (at work or at home) to others, in a way that they will understand and appreciate.
Use your “new understanding of yourself” to enable you to pick the right path when it comes to your career, needs and goals.