Participant Workbooks

Each workbook listed below supports training workshops based on the results of CRG assessments. The workbooks are in a print-based format which are purchased on a per person bases, printed by CRG and shipped to your location. There are also CRG PowerPoints that support your training session using these CRG Workbooks

The workbook covers can be personalized with your logo and contact information on the back cover. There are some options to customize the content of the workbooks to insert your terminology or examples.

Fees apply to the personalization and customization option. Please contact CRG for more details:

Building Relationships With Style

Expand the application of the Personal Style Indicator by using this support resource to conduct a 1 to 2-day workshop. 

Building Relationships with Style is a 68-page workbook that is used with the results of the online PSI Report in concert with the PSI PowerPoint. 

This workbook covers the building blocks of personal style and the PSI, including:

  • Readiness and Willingness to Change
  • Defining Credibility and its Importance
  • Personality Development Factors Model
  • Understanding Personal Style
  • Personal Style Model
  • Skills of Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting
  • Applying what You’ve Learned
  • Creating an Action Plan

Have CRG customize this workbook for you—specifically for your clients or organization. Using this workbook as a template, we will insert, change, revise, or co-create curricula that reflect your models, culture, and content.

*CRG or one of its Associates are available to conduct this program live with your clients.

Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?™

Expand the application of the Sales Style Indicator by using this support resource to conduct a 1 to 2-day workshop.

Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?™ is a 80-page workbook that is used with the results of the online SSI Report in concert with the SSI PowerPoint.

Topics include:

  • Understanding Your Selling Style
  • Understanding Customers’ Buying Styles
  • A Method to Quickly Identify and Read What Others Need and Want from You
  • How to Instantly Build Rapport with potential clients
  • An Action Plan to Increase Your Sales and Relationship Success

Have CRG customize this workbook for you, specifically for your clients or organization. We will insert, change, revise, or co-create curricula that reflect your models, culture, and content, using this workbook as a template. 

Just a note that this workshop was rated the number one training experience for a Fortune 50 company in the past 25 years. In the pilot location sales increased by 33% with gross profits up 50%. 

Create strong sales teams and trainings with the Sales Style Indicator and Why Don’t You Sell the Way that I Buy?™ workbook and workshop. 

*CRG or one of its Associates are available to conduct this program live with your clients.

Leading and Selling With Style – Level II

This 26-page Level II Workbook and handout supports advanced applications of the Personal Style Indicator and Sales Style Indicator assessments. This is a 3-4 hour interactive training module requiring deep individual and partner work which applies to all levels of team members within an organization.

It is recommended that the one of our books Why Aren’t You More Like Me? or Deliberate Leadership be included as a resource for each participant to source while they process their personal case study.

This session helps participants master CRG’s three step system of Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting.

Level II

Section 1: Example Case Study: Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting.

Part A – Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting Applications in Your Role

Part B – Increasing Credibility/Trust with Others

Part C – How you Show up at Work

Part D – Leading with Style

Part E – Special Partner Activity

*CRG or one of its Associates are available to conduct this program live with your clients.

Note: It is expected that participants would have already completed at least a 4-6 hour introduction workshop to either assessment using the CRG Models Handouts or the PSI and SSI Workbooks.

Leading, Selling, and Coaching With Style – Level III

This 30-page Level III Workbook and handout supports advanced applications of the Personal Style Indicator and Sales Style Indicator assessments. 

Note: This Level III Workbook includes the exercises in Level II plus a full interact group driven case study. Part III is designed mostly for individuals in leadership or supervisory roles. 

To deploy both sections in this workshop requires a full day or 8 hours of training time. It can be divided into 2 different sessions if needed. This is a highly interactive training module requiring deep individual, partner and team work. 

It is required that the one of our books Why Aren’t You More Like Me? or Deliberate Leadership be included as a resource for each participant to source while they process the different case studies. 

This session helps participants master CRG’s three step system of Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting

Level II

Section 1: Example Case Study: Translating, Suspending, and Style-Shifting.

Part A – Translating, Suspending and Style-Shifting Applications in Your Role

Part B – Increasing Credibility/Trust with Others

Part C – How you Show up at Work

Part D – Leading with Style

Part E – Special Partner Activity 

Level III

Section 2: Group and Team Case Study Exercise

Part A – Needs and Values of each Team Member

Part B – Coaching Jack as the Leader

Part C – Coaching Team Members

Part D – Case Study Debrief – Private

Part E – Special Partner Activity

*CRG or one of its Associates are available to conduct this program live with your clients. 

Note: It is expected that participants would have already completed at least a 4-6 hour introduction workshop to either assessment using the CRG Models Handouts or the PSI and SSI Workbooks prior to this workshop.

Discovering Your Pathway to Entrepreneurial Success

This expands the application of the Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator by using this support resource to conduct a 1-day workshop.

Discovering Your Pathway to Entrepreneurial Success is a 68-page workbook that is used with the results of the online ESSI Report in concert with the ESSI PowerPoint.

This workbook includes:

  • Credibility
  • Readiness and Willingness to change
  • Discovering your Entrepreneurial Gifts
  • The Concept of Play to Your Strengths
  • Understanding Your Weaknesses
  • Building a Team or having a Partner that Compliments You.
  • Rating Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and What Area You Might Consider Upgrading