Job Style Indicator Compatibility Report
The Job Style Indicator Compatibility Report (JSI-C) is an online system that brings CRG’s Job Style Indicator or Manager’s Job Style Indicator results together with each individual’s CRG style assessment results. The JSI-C then presents a compatibility level for each individual as compared to that specific position. There are four levels outlined from a Match, Slight Mismatch, Mismatch to Extreme Mismatch. Even though Style Compatibility is only one part of the hiring process the research is clear; unless there is a style match between the individual and the position it is nearly impossible to sustain engagement.
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Job Style Indicator Compatibility Report (JSI-C)
Do you want to know the level of job fit or compatibility (from a match to an extreme mismatch) between an applicant or current employee and a specific position? To generate a JSI Compatibility Report requires the completion of an Online JSI or Manager’s JSI which is then compared to the results of one or more individuals who have completed one of CRG’s style assessments, specifically the Personal Style Indicator, Sales Style Indicator, Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator and/or the Instructional Style Indicator.
Avoiding putting a square peg into a round hole by using CRG’s Compatibility Report.
The JSI-C can assist you to do the following:
- Determine the work style job fit of a current employee and position
- Compare the Job Style or M-JSI to applicates for a specific position.
- Provide you a detailed report ranking all applicants from ones that have the best style match to least job fit for a specific position.
- Create a single interview page and level of compatibility for each individual you have included into your report.
- Create JSI-C Report with any of CRG’s style assessments to determine work style compatibility. Including the Personal Style Indicator, Sales Style Indicator, Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator, and Instructional Style Indicator.
- Increase team performance through the shifting of work roles and responsibilities to better reflect team members’ job-fit
- Reduce staff turnover and work-related stress levels
- Develop plans for work style flexibility and improved role-effectiveness
Special Note:
- Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
- Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
- Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566
Use to:
- Selecting & Hiring New Personnel
- Placement & Hiring Agencies
- Facilitate Promotions
- Improved Communications
- Increase Employee Engagement
- Management Decision-Making
- Developing Work Teams
- Job Orientation
- Career Planning
- Out-Placement
- Performance Reviews
Who can benefit:
- All Individuals Responsible For Hiring
- Individuals Responsible for Employee Engagement & Performance
- Individuals Responsible For Promotions
- Career Developers/Counsellors
- All Talent Management & HR Professionals

This product is not available in any language other than English.
Note:If you need this in another language please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.