When we found out that today’s guest was behind successful brands like GoPro (now a billion-dollar brand) and the George Foreman Grill, we could not wait to host communication expert Rick Cesari.

Life was not that easy for Rick, who grew up in a family with eight kids and a father who ran the local corner grocery store, which required hard work and sacrifice. When his father died at 46 (Rick was just 16), the family transitioned to Florida from New York. The entire family then worked together to support each other. He was registered and accepted to dental school, but a last-minute decision led him on a journey of entrepreneurship.

Earning and losing a fortune more than once, Rick shares his story and success strategies.

To learn more about Rick Cesari or get his new book, Video Persuasion: Everything You Need To Know, go to www.rickcesari.com. Rick also has a free download on his site for SOS listeners, “The top three most effective types of online video content.”

During this show, we discuss the importance of being authentic to yourself and knowing yourself. With that, we want to suggest that you complete CRG’s top-rated assessment by participants, the Personal Style Indicator.

And if you really want to take yourself to the next level, from self-awareness to self- mastery, we have launched a new eCourse built around the powerful content in the Personal Style Indicator and our book, Why Aren’t You More Like Me? We teach you how to instantly read others and adjust your approach to build positive relationships, as well as how to be in control of yourself.
To register and find out more about this life-transforming course, go to https://courses.crgleader.com/.
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Until next time,
Keep Living On Purpose!
Dr. Ken Keis