Eric Termuende is blazing a new trail in the arena of work, HR, technology, and consulting. He’s officially the youngest guest that Ken has ever interviewed on the show, and we know you’ll enjoy this one.

After realizing that Eric wasn’t living in alignment with his true values, he decided to regroup by packing his things and leaving for Australia. It wasn’t until he left the university life behind that he discovered his true calling. Eric is now an internationally known speaker, and his TedX speech has reached thousands of views on Youtube. His originality in ideas and perspective are creating a positive disruption in the career space.

Eric’s book Rethink Work continues to receive amazing reviews. His innovative perspective is stirring up a much needed dialogue around the idea of talent attraction and retention. Eric argues that the work landscape is continue to change and morph. It’s time for us to reconsider what is considered conventional wisdom in these times of rapid technological change.

You can find Eric at