So often we think that by ruminating over people or circumstances that hurt us that we are somehow “getting even”. The truth is, by dwelling on the past, you are really only hurting yourself. Today, Dr. Keis reveals a sobering truth: the inability to let go of the past will force you to keep living in it.

The topic of forgiveness is one that we cannot hear enough of. It’s impossible to live a life of joy, freedom and positivity while tightly gripping bitterness and resentment. The moment that you choose to forgive, no matter how hard it may be, is the moment that you set yourself free from the life-sapping nature of un-forgiveness. Take some time to reflect on the following questions:

• Who do you need to forgive?
• Who should you seek reconciliation with?
• What unfortunate circumstances from the past are you still bitter about?
• Have you forgiven yourself for where you’ve erred in life?
• How is bitterness hurting you today?

Don’t delay. A life of joy and abundance is waiting for you on the other side of forgiveness.