Robert Ricciardelli is a leading expert in sales and good friend of Dr. Keis. This week, the two enter a discourse that takes us through Robert’s career journey. Despite large changes in his life, Robert’s love for people and adherence to his moral code continued to steer him toward success and fulfillment.

We are all in sales whether or not our job description says so. Each day, we are selling ourselves, our ideas, and interacting with people. This podcast will help you better understand how to really listen to others and understand their perspectives. Discover what Robert calls “Key Buying Influences” and how to leverage them toward a mutually beneficial outcome.

Are you a leader in your field? Ken and Robert discuss how integrity and authenticity are qualities paramount to good leadership. We all know of the boss who manages people with intimidation. Although monetary results may stem from ruling with an iron fist, being unethical will never retain good employees. Robert shows us a better way of leading; one that is actually effective over the long term.

Enjoy this one with Robert Ricciardelli!