Podcast Guest: Randy Brothers
Subject: Just Do It!

In today’s episode, our colleague and fellow podcaster, Randy Brothers, shares his personal journey from success to bankruptcy and then back to success.

We all have a story, and nobody is immune from challenges. But Randy shares what he now teaches to leaders and businessowners in his learning academy, coaching and mentoring business to embrace success. Randy’s book, Start It, Build It, Grow It: The Contractor’s Guide to Success, outlines key success strategies to take your business to the next level.
To learn more about Randy and his Roofing Academy® Virtual Training Center, go to: www.theroofingacademy.com

During the show, Randy shares the importance of knowing yourself but also having team members know each other. With that, we want to suggest that you complete CRG’s top-rated assessment by participants, the Personal Style Indicator. Once you know your preference, you can make intentional decisions.
And if you really want to take yourself to the next level, we have launched a new eCourse built around the powerful content in the Personal Style Indicator and our book, Why Aren’t You More Like Me? To register and find out more about this life-transforming course, go to https://courses.crgleader.com/
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Until next time,
Keep Living On Purpose!
Dr. Ken Keis