
Take Yourself and Others to The Next Level!
CRG assessments and online learning solutions allow you instantly access transformational experiences that provide life clarity and direction. CRG is rated one of the top three providers for development-globally by We have been serving the career development and workforce development professions for over 40 years.
Our purpose is to assist you to live, lead and work On Purpose-so you can help others do the same. And help individuals realize their full potential in all areas of their life; emotional, interpersonal, physical, spiritual, and career/work.
With a holistic development system, we help others develop the whole person-both you and your clients. It can be by completing the number one rated personality assessment the Personal Style Indicator, clarifying what you really value with the Values Preference Indicator, or confirming your wellness and stress levels with the Stress Indicator and Health Planner. These solutions work congruently together, rather than using assessments from several sources that confuse the participant. Practitioners’ appreciate the learner-friendly design that does not require a co-dependent relationship with those they serve.
Individuals and Career developers can also access CRG’s The Quest For Purpose process- providing a step-by-step process to find your purpose and then live it. The Quest For Purpose provides a roadmap for individuals to get clear about who they are and outlines their life direction.
The meta skills for the 21st Century is self-awareness (emotional intelligence) that leads to self-mastery. Yet the research is overwhelming that most don’t really know who they are and don’t know where they are going. In fact 85% of individuals are not self-aware. This is unfortunate and we want to do something about it, but it needs the individual to participate.
Many years ago, Dr. Keis had dinner with two career development professionals-between them they had 80 years of experience. He asked them the question: “Why with so much training, development and choices, do we still have over 80% of the population disengaged at work and not happy about their life.” And in unison they said this was because people were not willing to do the work. It takes effort and intentionality to get clear and then develop yourself and so that you become fully aware and conscious.
Are you willing to invest in yourself and do the work?
Do you want to go to the next level and live a fully engaged and alive life?
If yes, then CRG can provide you with the answers and clarity you seek for your personal and professional development.
Begin where it fits for you. An assessment(s)?, book?, online course?, mentor/coaching? or any combination of these opportunities!
Welcome to CRG Learning Solutions
Not only does CRG have the number one rated personality assessment globally-the Personal Style Indicator-CRG provides an additional 10 assessments, plus online learning solutions to ensure that you develop the whole person. This produces a congruent system that works together rather than a fragmented system.
With mobile-friendly and responsive-design, participants can complete their assessment anywhere, anytime, on any device (requires access to the internet). Now with a full Application Protocol Interface (API), many clients have seamlessly integrated the assessments directly into faculty and student profiles and educational Learning Management System (LMS).
CRG has the solutions you seek for career and life development from individuals, government agencies, workforce development, education to large organizations applications.