
What makes you buy?

We all, one way or another, sell something every day. We try convince our friends or family to buy tickets for a movie or go out for dinner. We talk to our acquaintances about a great book we just read and convince them to read it. It is our power...

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What makes you buy?

We all, one way or another, sell something every day. We try convince our friends or family to buy tickets for a movie or go out for dinner. We talk to our acquaintances about a great book we just read and convince them to read it. It is our power...

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What makes you buy?

We all, one way or another, sell something every day. We try convince our friends or family to buy tickets for a movie or go out for dinner. We talk to our acquaintances about a great book we just read and convince them to read it. It is our power...

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What makes you buy?

We all, one way or another, sell something every day. We try convince our friends or family to buy tickets for a movie or go out for dinner. We talk to our acquaintances about a great book we just read and convince them to read it. It is our power...

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What makes us tick?

Since 1999, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has dedicated her life to being an inspirational and comedic speaker. On Dr. Ken Keis' latest Secret of Success Podcast, Laura-Lynn candidly discusses how a few negative decisions she made catapulted her into...

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What makes us tick?

Since 1999, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has dedicated her life to being an inspirational and comedic speaker. On Dr. Ken Keis' latest Secret of Success Podcast, Laura-Lynn candidly discusses how a few negative decisions she made catapulted her into...

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