Communication and relationship expert Jessica Pettitt joins our show today to share her interesting life journey, as well as her expertise and passion to encourage others who are “Good Enough Now” to live in the courage of being authentic.

We also discuss the question of whether individuals know who they truly are and how they “show up” in life. Jessica observes that many people have a very different opinion of themselves compared to those who know them best. Her work involves helping others go through exercises and pay close attention to what they’re doing and thinking.
To learn more about Jessica, and get her free gift, go to:

During the show, we spend some time talking about the importance of self-awareness. To help you with this process, I would like to suggest three CRG resources that can assist you and others with this journey: the Personal Style Indicator (now a full five-hour eCourse –, the Values Preference Indicator and the Stress Indicator and Health Planner.

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Until next time,

Keep Living On Purpose!

Dr. Ken Keis