Fellow podcast host and author of the film, The Human Project, Andy Steiger (soon to be Dr. Andy) shares his story of growing up in a single-parent environment with three siblings. At one point, all five of them shared a single room and bed at a relative’s home. It was at this time when Andy began to ask the hard questions: “Why am I here?” and “Where do I get my meaning in life? Or maybe I can’t.” Andy discusses deep issues including how loneliness and depression are at all times highs – and what we need to do about it.

Andy is the author of Thinking? Answering Life’s Five Biggest Questions and the award-winning short film, The Human Project (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8055434/), soon to be released as a book.

To find out more about Andy, go to http://andysteiger.com/ and https://www.apologeticscanada.com/thehumanproject/

During the show, we discuss the importance of focus and knowing yourself to realize your potential while also living a fulfilled life. Andy shares the power of CRG’s Personal Style Indicator and the impact it has had with the youth he works with on a daily basis. With that, we want to suggest you consider CRG’s new online eCourse—“Why Aren’t You More Like Me?”—that helps you understand not only yourself but also everybody else around you.

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Until next time,

Keep Living On Purpose!

Dr. Ken Keis