Recent research has now proven that self-aware people are more successful, are more confident, build better relationships and are more respected and effective leaders. There’s just one problem: Most people don’t see themselves quite as clearly as they could, and it’s rare to get candid, objective feedback from colleagues, employees and even friends and family.

In this episode, our guest, New York Times best-selling author of Insight, Dr. Tasha Eurich shares her breakthrough research on self-awareness and that most people get it wrong; in fact, over 80% get it wrong. Ouch! But wait—there is hope for those who want to change and improve.

Also an organizational psychologist, Dr. Eurich shatters conventional assumptions about what it takes to truly know yourself by revealing the surprising myths, unseen roadblocks and a scientifically supported path to self-awareness.
To learn more about her work or get her book, find it here. You can also take her quiz to benchmark your self-awareness at

During the show, we confirmed that knowing yourself is critical to your self-awareness and success, so if you have not already done so, consider completing CRG’s assessments to help you along the journey. We recommend starting with the Personal Style Indicator and Values Preference Indicator. After that, consider the Stress Indicator and Health Planner and, if you are a leader, also the Leadership Skills Inventory-Self or LSI-360º.

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Until next time,

Keep Living On Purpose!

Dr. Ken Keis

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