Learn how answering an ad in the newspaper changed this guest’s life forever. Fellow author and podcaster Paul Edwards shares how a successful individual mentored him, developing his emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. These skills opened doors and opportunities that would help him positively influence others for the rest of his life.

Paul is the author of Business Beyond Business and host of the podcast “Influencer Networking Secrets.” To learn more about Paul, and claim your free gift, go to www.thepaulsedwards.com

During the show, Paul shares that one of the number-one skills to communicate effectively with others is to understand different personal (personality) styles. Not everyone wants to communicate the same way you do. With that, we want to suggest that you complete CRG’s top-rated assessment by participants, the Personal Style Indicator.
And if you really want to take yourself to the next level, we have launched a new eCourse built around the powerful content in the Personal Style Indicator and our book, Why Aren’t You More Like Me? We teach you how to instantly read others and adjust your approach to build positive relationships.
To register and find out more about this life-transforming course, go to https://courses.crgleader.com/

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Until next time,

Keep Living On Purpose!
Dr. Ken Keis