Impossible, right? Not according to Memory Champion, Nelson Dellis. Everyone – yes including you and me – can develop a keen and impeccable memory.

We’ve all been there – about to introduce or say hello to someone but we forget their name.

Ouch! Usually, we justify this by saying we have a poor memory. Nelson says no – that statement is simply not true.

“Everyone can learn to have a better memory, if you apply my 4 Pillars strategies.” -Nelson Dellis

Nelson shares his heart felt story of what drove him to become a memory and brain health expert – the death of his Grandma from Alzheimer’s. He’s been featured on the Dr. Oz show, the Today Show, National Geographic, and many others. He’s also the author and illustrator the kids book

“I Forgot Something (But I can’t Remember What it Was!) He is also the Founder and CEO of Climb for Memory. A charity that is changing the world by raising money and awareness for Alzheimer’s research.

So, join me for our engaging interview on how Nelson went from forgetful, to winning the national memory championship recalling 217 names in 15 minutes and the sequence of 9 cards decks in 30 minutes. Wow!

To learn more about Nelson and what he does, visit
There, you can watch all of his awesome memory tip videos, and other free resources!
You can follow Nelson on twitter to stay posted on his heart-stopping adventures. @ClimbForMemory