Are you able to travel around the world for free just by starting up conversations with perfect strangers and have them invite you home for dinner?

Our guest Cal Fussman did that for nearly 10 years travelling the world for nearly free – and got so good at it he was hired to interview world leaders and influencers for nearly 2 decades.

In this podcast Cal will share with you his secrets on how to have a winning conversation while building positive relationships.

Cal has one of the Top 50 Podcasts on ITunes, is a New York Times best selling author and has breakfast every morning with Larry King – yes every morning!

Join me as Cal shares his journey and very unique story that made him one of the top interviews on the planet. He is funny and does not take himself too seriously.

To find out more about Cal, visit .
There, you’ll be able to purchase his books, and find out more about this incredible individual.

I know you’ll be inspired by this one.