Did you know that 90-95% of our illness is lifestyle-related and preventable? This includes cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more. Over 50% of the global workforce is stressed or highly stressed, and stress is costing economies like the United States over $7500 per employee annually in hard costs. This does not include quality-of-life issues, which don’t make the accounting ledger.
In this episode, Dr. Keis takes you through some of the highlights of the newly revised CRG assessment, the Stress Indicator and Health Planner, and leaves you with actionable tips and some of the latest research, which has been included in this version of this assessment.
If you’d like a closer look at the assessment, take a look at the sample PDF of this assessment!
Dr. Keis also conducts live workshops and webinars if you are interested in improving the health and wellness of your group or organization. Email Ken for more information on these events.
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Until next time,
Keep Living On Purpose!
Dr. Ken Keis