Today’s guest is a super achiever, but she soon learned how unrealistic being “perfect” at everything really was. Trained as a lawyer, Lora Cheadle is now a nationally syndicated radio and podcast host, teaching others to find joy not only in the moment but also in being your authentic self.

Lora inspires others to develop an unshakeable sense of self-worth. During this episode, she shares her life acronym based on the word FLAUNT. You’ll want to listen closely so you can immediately implement these simple, yet powerful life-changing strategies. She also offers a special free gift during the show.

You can learn more about Lora Cheadle at

During the show, we spend some time talking about the importance of being authentic and confident in who you are. To help you with this process, I would like to suggest three CRG resources that can assist you and others with this journey. The Personal Style Indicator (now a full five-hour eCourse, the Values Preference Indicator and the Self-Worth Inventory.

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Until next time,

Keep Living On Purpose!

Dr. Ken Keis